Owner Elizabeth Lee offers in-home consultation and has a curated selection of unique handwoven rugs to help you find the perfect rug.



How it works:

In-Home Styling — $100.00/hr

We start with an initial meeting at the shop for discussion, go over inspiration and begin looking at the Hazel House curated selection.

Owner Elizabeth and team will make purchase recommendations based on your unique space. You’ll receive a detailed review of your measurements, color selections and rug suggestions.  

After an initial in-store consultation, Elizabeth and team will visit your space to measure and try install selections made during the initial consult. Installs typically take place 1-2 weeks after the initial consult. Install time varies per project, but an estimate will be given in advance.

*Deposit for selections due 24 hours before install. Personal rug shopping/sourcing for inventory outside our shop is an additional charge.