cleaning & care

Our collection of rugs are handwoven with great care.  They are extremely durable and superior in quality compared to machine made rugs.



Here are a few tips for care:

To care for your rug, we first and foremost suggest a good rug pad.  One with a felt top and a non-slip rubber on the bottom. Not only will a pad keep your rug in place but it will prevent unwanted shifting of the weave that can wear and stretch a rug down over time. We offer custom cut rug pads — inquire for details.

To keep clean we suggest first to sweep with a broom to loosen debris and bring it to the surface.  Vacuuming should be done often but gently always avoiding the edges and fringe. Use the highest setting away from the rug when using the rotating brush.  If your vacuum does not have height settings turn the brush off. To clean a spill, we recommend blotting first with a clean cotton towel.  Use mild dish soap with room temperature water and dab away.  If it is a major stain that does not respond to this method, we recommend contacting a professional cleaner who specializes in antique and vintage rugs.

We recommend washing your handwoven rugs every 2-4 years. Washing your rugs will not only remove deep sediment but it will also bring out the color and sheen of the natural wool.  Professional services are suggested for washing.